Star of the alternative male singing movement to lead free men-only harmony singing day in Hull

The sound of men singing together – often confined to the terraces and in pubs after a few too many – is going to be heard loud and proud in Hull thanks to a star of the alternative male singing movement.

Sing like a Bloke at Albemarle Music Centre on Saturday 17 February is a one-day workshop exploring the sound of men singing in harmony.

The workshop will be led by male singing pioneer Chris Samuel who is a member of The Spooky Men’s Chorale, an internationally renowned male choir that has toured all over the world with its unique show.

The workshop will run from 10.30am to 4.30pm.

Places are limited so pre-booking is essential.

Book your free place online via or telephone 01482 221113.

Chris Samuel leads numerous choirs, including male voice group the magnificent AK47.

He is also one of the instigators of BlokeFest – an annual male singing festival.

Chris said: “I’m really excited about getting another bunch of ordinary blokes singing together. Even if they’ve not sung for years, I’d like to show them that it’s never too late to dust off your vocal chords and sing, in harmony with other men.

“It’s uplifting and bonding and something you can enjoy for a lifetime, ‘Talk to a man and he will become your friend, sing with a man and he will become your brother’.”

All songs will be taught by ear so there is no need to read music, and no previous experience necessary – just a willingness to join in and have fun.

Councillor Terry Geraghty, portfolio holder for culture and leisure at Hull City Council, said: “Events like this are brilliant because they give people the opportunity to get out and try something different.

“Singing for blokes, chaps and other men in November was such a success we now have a men’s chorus group meeting regularly as part of the Freedom Chorus.

“Men are under-represented in singing groups nationally, including in Hull. These sessions and the Sing like a Bloke workshop are part of the Council’s ‘Singing City’ initiative, which seeks to encourage more men to get involved in group singing.”

“I encourage anyone thinking about going to Sing like a Bloke to just go ahead and book a place. It’s guaranteed to be at the very least a barrel of laughs and who knows, it might even be the start of a new and enjoyable hobby.”

Sing like a Bloke follows on from the success of the Singing for blokes, chaps and other men workshop with Dom Stichbury (also a member of the Spooky Men) in November, which attracted 75 men to sing together, 60% of whom had not sung since school. The workshop was so popular a men’s chorus group has been set up so men can carry on singing together on a regular basis.

Details for future sessions are –

Thursday 8 and 22 February and 22 March, 7.30 – 9pm, at Danish Church, Ferensway, Hull

Contact Arts Development on 01482 300300 for more information about the Sing like a Bloke workshop or the men’s chorus group.

Sing like a Bloke is part of the Council’s Singing City initiative funded by Arts Council England and Hull City Council.