Small sites
Councillors at the start of the works

Housing build programme gathers pace

The next phase of Hull City Council’s ambitious housing growth programme is underway.

The scheme includes homes in Beckington Close and Plym Grove, Longhill,  where nine, modern new bungalows to rent from the council are being built by Hull-based Houlton, and part funded by the Humber LEP’s local growth fund.

This phase is a departure from the large scale development, much of which is replacing substandard housing, neighbourhoods such as Mildane, Portobello Street and Ganstead Grove, by building on smaller sites, which makes them more accessible for local building trades businesses.

Councillor John Black, Hull City Council portfolio holder for housing said: “Developing bungalows is an important element of our housing strategy. All the new build bungalows meet high specification accessibility standards, which suit the needs of older tenants who may be becoming a little less mobile.”

Hull continues to outperform the national targets set for building council homes for rent. Since 2015, 445 new homes have been built for council rent and a further 480 are in the pipeline over the next five years.

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