Polling station
Polling places review

Have a say on your polling station

Hull residents have a chance to comment on their polling station location as a polling station review begins today.

In Hull, there are 117 polling districts and polling stations for elections. They are reviewed every five years.

Electoral services officer Mike Thomas said: “We aim to make voting as easy as possible and the review provides a chance for residents to comment on the ease of access to their polling station and make any suggestions for improvements.”

The review ensures each area has suitable buildings and locations for each polling station and that each station services no more than 2500 electors in the most convenient and accessible place possible.

Residents can make comment until Thursday 31 October. Comments will be anonymous and published with the final report on Thursday 14 November. Any changes will come into effect on Sunday 1 December.

View the proposals and comment here or visit the Wilson Centre or any library in Hull.