Businesses across the city can now benefit from the government’s Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme.
The Government’s £67m investment will enable small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to benefit from faster internet connections.
The vouchers, worth up to £2,500 for an SME, provide a one-off contribution to subsidise the installation cost of gigabit-capable connection.
One gigabit is the same as 1,000 megabits, so it’s a big leap forward in connection speeds that could benefit businesses into the future.
Hull City Council enterprise support manager Paul Burnley explains how businesses across the city can now benefit from the government’s Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme.
Mark Jones, Director of Regeneration at Hull City Council, said: “Hull is leading the way, as the city with the highest percentage distribution of full fibre broadband. This scheme is an excellent opportunity for businesses who haven’t yet connected to full fibre to do so.
“Excellent digital connectivity is a key part of the transformation of our city.”
DCMS Secretary of State Matt Hancock said: “Small businesses are the backbone of the British economy and now businesses in Hull can turbo-charge their connectivity with gigabit speeds.

DCMS gigabit broadband voucher scheme
“By building a full fibre future for Britain we are laying the foundations for a digital infrastructure capable of delivering today what the next generation will need tomorrow.”
Full fibre connections are faster, more reliable and cheaper to operate than traditional copper lines, and are capable of supporting not only gigabit, but terabit and even petabit speeds, which will serve the UK far into the future.
The scheme will run until March 2021 or until all available funding has been allocated. For more information, visit the DCMS website.